As a C of E school we have close links with The Church of the Ascension which is across the road from the school. Our Reception class hold their Harvest Festival in church and children visit for special times in the Christian calendar – Christmas, Easter and Ascension Day. In addition to this we regularly host assemblies led by the “Open the Book” team, our vicar and other church groups.
Our Reception children are welcomed into the Church family during their Harvest service and are presented with a book of Bible stories. When our children leave us in Year 6 they also have a special Leaver’s Service in church where they receive their own copy of the Good News Bible.
Our Worship Committee is made up of older pupils who meet regularly to discuss collective worship and related activities and to suggest ways in which they can be improved. Worship Committee plan and lead acts of collective worship half termly, supported by members of AWE group. The Worship Committee are also active in collecting the views of other children and feeding them back to our Worship Co-ordinator.
Alongside the Worship Committee we have a younger group of children, our AWE group (Ascension Worship for Everyone). There is a table in the Key Stage 2 library which displays the theme for the collective worship each week and the ‘Thought for the Week’. All children can leave feedback at the table about the collective worship and make suggestions for hymns and music, write prayers or reflections about individual acts of worship. The AWE group meet weekly and are responsible for maintaining the feedback table. They have recently planned the Peace Garden and are involved in maintaining it and supporting the younger children and their prayer areas. Our Peace Garden is an area for quiet contemplation and was recently opened and blessed by Reverend Giles as part of our Ascension Day celebrations.
The children across both Key Stages contribute monthly to ‘Contact’ the parish magazine in the form of a poem, a prayer or writing about events that have happened at school such as the ‘Easter Experience’.
The close links that we enjoy with The Church of the Ascension afford pupils the opportunity to become closely involved with further activities in their spare time. These include our Worship After School (WAS) Club which meets fortnightly and our family worship (Jigsaw) which meets on Sunday mornings during term time.
Ascension Worship for Everyone
AWE group
Feeling creative? Why not have a go at some of these ideas?
Share your creations by sending a photograph of your finished product to Mrs Moore – we would love to see them!
If you have any ideas for other crafts that you think would inspire others, then please share the links with
Mrs Moore.
Have fun!
Paper Plate Yarn Weaving
Streamer Rainbows
Pinecone Birdfeeder
Painted Ladybirds
Skittles Rainbow
Rainbow Crafts
Eggshell Mosaics