School Council

School Council

school council front page

Each class in KS2 elects a person to be their representative by holding a ballot after the children who wish to be considered have given a short presentation. In KS1 the classes are represented by a Y6 pupil who liaises with the children and class teacher to make sure that the views of our younger pupils are heard.
The committee is made up of one representative from each class making a total of 11 members all together. The children elect a chair person from amongst council members.

Why have a School Council?

  • It gives children the opportunity to be involved in improving school life for everyone.
  • It allows children to work as partners with staff in developing a caring school community.
  • It provides children with the opportunities to develop skills that will be important throughout their lives.
  • It allows pupils the opportunity to play a part in solving problems and resolving conflicts.

Each year our School Council decide which charity will be the focus of the school’s fundraising efforts for that year. Quite often the children will choose charities whose work has affected individuals or the school community as a whole.

This year the School Council chose Action Heart as their nominated charity and raised money by each class participating in a ‘Sponsored Skip’. The money raised was presented to a representative of the charity by Mr Green, our previous Head teacher, who has been fortunate to benefit from their excellent care.

Recently the School Council has worked with the Home School Association to install a much needed fitness trail into the KS2 playground. This has not only increased the number of options of things to do at lunchtime, but has also brightened up a neglected area of the playground.