C of A Music Policy
Music Subject Sheet
C of A Music Skills Progression Document
Music development Plan
At Church of the Ascension CE Primary School, we want music to be accessible to all, regardless of background, age and previous musical experience. We have a firm belief that music should be an enjoyable experience for all and should provide our children with an opportunity to flourish, regardless of academic ability. We believe that music provides an opening to a wider world and a greater understanding and appreciation of other cultures, through the range of styles and eras that the children are exposed to. Music is a universal language, and one through which all children should be given the opportunity to communicate.
Our Music curriculum at Church of the Ascension offers children the opportunities to listen to and appraise a wide range of music as well as practically experimenting, playing, improvising, composing and performing, both as a solo and as part of an ensemble.
Throughout their time at Church of the Ascension, all children will have the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument and to perform, thus showcasing their skills, enabling them to grow in confidence and develop a love for sharing music.