Year 4 have had a very busy few days for good health week. We have been lucky enough to have lots of visitors who have spoken to us about how to keep ourselves safe. We have had visits from:
- Geraldine at the blue cross to discuss caring for our pets and staying safe against ‘dangerous dogs’.
- Caroline visited with RNLI to discuss staying safe by the water and all the important work done by our lifeguards.
- The West Midlands Fire service delivered a session discussing what to do in a fire, how to prevent a fire and road safety.
- We had a visit form Mike who talked to us about the Air Ambulance services.
- People form the Stroke Association taught us about what to do if we think someone is having a stroke.
- Amy from Reflexions came in to discuss anxiety and what we can do to help.
- The School Nurse came to speak to us about keeping ourselves clean as we are getting older.
Our activities however did not stop there, we enjoyed making our rainbow wraps as part of our Design and technology topic, exploring online safety, and discussing children’s mental health.