Years Three and Four
We would like to welcome you to Years Three and Four.
On this page you will find useful information about your child’s homework, weekly timetable, links to useful apps and other important information.
Homework is given out every Friday and should be returned by the following Tuesday. We alternate between setting English and Maths homework.
Spellings are given out on alternate Fridays and the children are given two weeks to practise. Times tables are also given out on alternate Fridays and again, the children are given two weeks to practise. We encourage children to regularly practise both their spellings and their times tables. Children are encouraged to use Times Table Rock Stars to practise their times tables.
We recommend that children should be reading at home for at least 20 minutes each day. Children should be filling in their own reading record and parents are asked to sign the reading records each week. Reading records will be checked by staff weekly on a Monday.
Our school uses Accelerated Reader to monitor our children’s reading progress. Children will select a book from the KS2 Library that is within their reading range. Children should take a quiz on Accelerated Reader before changing their book. This can be completed at home or in school but must be completed independently.
We ask that children have their P.E kits in school at all times. Children are expected to have both an indoor and an outdoor PE kit. Please refer to our school Uniform Policy for further information.
PE times are as follows:
3N – Wednesday (Dance) and Thursday (Outdoor Kit).
3/4J – Wednesday (Dance), Thursday (Outdoor Kit) and Friday (Swimming).
4C – Wednesday (Dance) and Thursday (Outdoor Kit).
Years Three and Four are extremely fortunate to benefit from Whole Class Instrumental Teaching (WCIT) from Dudley Performing Arts (DPA). In the Spring Term, 3N will be participating in these lessons on a Friday morning.
Water bottles
We encourage our children to stay hydrated throughout the day and welcome water bottles to be brought in. Please could you ensure that the bottle is labelled to avoid it getting misplaced.
Here is a link to our termly overview:
Year 3 group termly overview Spring
Year 4 group termly overview spring