
Mrs J York
Class Teacher - Reception
Mrs E Hobson
Class Teacher - Reception

Welcome to Reception

Mrs York, Mrs Hobson and Miss Westwood would like to welcome you to the Reception area of our website.

We are always excited when it’s time to meet our new classes each year.  We hope that our summer taster and September induction sessions help both you and your child settle into life at Church of the Ascension Primary School.

Daily Routines

The children should line up on the key stage one playground every morning at 8.50am. Please be prompt and ensure that your child is equipped for the school day.  It’s always lovely to see happy faces when we greet the children each morning.

When the children come into school they quickly learn to find their coat peg, put book bags away in trays and water bottles in the baskets.  They find their name card ready for registration to begin and sit sensibly on their class mat.

Children will need a healthy snack for their morning break and you can choose whether your child has a school dinner, school sandwich or a packed lunch from home.  Universal free school meals are available to all children in Reception, year one and year two.

The school day finishes at 3.20pm and your child will be dismissed onto the key stage one playground.

Important Information

Monday – Children will change their library book and hand in any homework

Wednesday – P.E day (please ensure any earrings are removed and long hair is tied back)

Friday – Children will change their library book and bring home a piece of homework. Any  new phonemes (sounds)/words that have been taught are sent for the children to practise with a grown up at home.

Where the Magic Happens!

Our reception classes are colourful, fun and nurturing environments. We focus on supporting the children’s social and emotional needs, ensuring that they feel happy, safe and have a sense of belonging. Our curriculum includes daily phonics and maths lessons and lots of opportunities to learn through purposeful play both inside and in our wonderful outdoor spaces.



We encourage all children to explore their environment, ask questions and think critically and we always take advantage of the ‘wow’ moments that present themselves everyday.



The children experience a broad curriculum from a mixture of teacher directed and child initiated activities delivered through engaging topics (see topic overview) or by developing their own ideas and interests.

Reception Topic Overview

We aim to develop a love of reading for all children with daily shared stories, individual reading books, book studies, reading corners, online books and games and access to school library books. We encourage and support all children in beginning their reading journey as quickly as they can.



Reception year sets the foundation for all learning. We hope your child enjoys our rich learning environment, making memories that will last a lifetime!