Head teacher’s message

Dear family,

Welcome all to our new website! Our new website launched just before the holidays and we are very pleased with how it is coming along. We hope that it will become a useful point of reference for parents and visitors. We are still in the process of adding all of the useful information, so please bear with us while we continue to work on it. Please do feel free to explore and check back regularly to see the updates. Newsletters will now be produced on the website and a link will be sent by text each Friday for you to access them.

It has been a positive start to the new half term.  We have had a very productive and busy week, as you will be able to see from our class pages.  This morning in praise assembly, we celebrated a lot of writing from across the school.  There were also a lot of medals, certificates and badges to celebrate from out of school activities.


Mrs Mason

Litter Picking

After our assembly about God’s wonderful world, some children were inspired to consider ways of how we can look after it.  So, thank you to all our litter pickers, who have given up some of their lunchtime to make a school grounds a tidier place.


Good Health Week 2025

Key Stage One

Year 1 and 2 have taken part in a range of activities for our Good Health Week. We have been lucky enough to have some visitors who have spoken to us about how to keep ourselves safe and the jobs that they do, to keep others safe. We have also discussed how to stay fit and healthy and taken part in some DT, where we made our own healthy sandwiches, and enjoyed eating them too!

We have had talks from:

Nurses, a Midwife, an Occupational Therapist, RNLI and a Mental Health Practitioner.

See the photos of all our fun below!

Year 5 Walk Through The Bible

Well done to our Year 5s for working so hard with David to remember 40 actions and key words from the Old Testament.  We look forward to presenting these to the whole school next week and receiving our certificates and mini book of Bible stories. Thank you to Church of the Ascension for joining in our sessions and funding our books.

Wellbeing Buddies and Church of the Ascension Shoebox Appeal

Our church and school communities joined forces at Christmas to fill and pack shoeboxes for some of the younger members of our community, who currently live in temporary accommodation.  Our Wellbeing Buddies did an amazing job in the church hall selecting the right items for the right ages and packing them up.  It was lovely to hear one of our buddies say, “It makes me feel good doing something for someone else.  It makes me feel warm inside”.

Archbishop’s Young Leaders Award

A group of our Years 5 and 6 Worship Leaders have started their Archbishop’s Young Leaders awards journey.

Spring Reflection Area

Well done Worship Leaders for our new Reflection Area based on teaspoon prayers.



Year 3 and 4 Trip to Dudley Canal Trust

During our Autumn term, Years 3 and 4 had the opportunity to visit Dudley Canal Trust as part of our History topic.

We learnt about life on a canal boat and the impact of industry and canals.