
Monday 3rd March, 2025

OSCAR Holiday Club

We will again be running the OSCAR holiday club during Easter for the first four days, 14th -17th April and also for the first three weeks of the summer holiday, weeks commencing 21st July, 28th July and 4th August.

The holiday club provides a variety of activities for the children each day and is open from 7:45am – 6pm. It costs £23 for the full day and is only open to children who currently attend our school.

If you would like to make a booking, please contact Jacqui the OSCAR manager by emailing jdavies@chur-ascen.dudley.sch.uk

Monday 3rd March, 2025

OSCAR Club Closure

OSCAR club will be closed AFTER SCHOOL ONLY on Wednesday 9th April for statutory staff training. The school office will also be closed from 3:30pm on that day.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Monday 3rd March, 2025

Lunchtime Supervisor Vacancy

Would you like to join our lovely lunchtime team?

We are looking for someone to work every lunchtime, Monday – Friday 12-1:15pm

£12.45 per hour

Supervising children during the lunchtime period under the direction of the Lunchtime Superintendent.

We also need staff who can work on a casual ‘as and when’ basis.

If you are interested and would like more information, please either contact the school office on 01384 818760 or email info@chur-ascen.dudley.sch.uk

Come and join us!

Friday 28th February, 2025

Wellbeing Buddies

This half term’s focus for wellbeing buddies is ‘Take Notice’ as one of the five ways to wellbeing.  To help us with this, please encourage your child to take notice in the following ways and any more that you can think of:
Look up and around – what signs of Spring can you see?
Have a go at a scavenger hunt or create your own.
Take photographs of interesting things you notice or places you go.
Try new foods and drinks
Listen to some different music
Try some new activities or hobbies.
If you would like to share your take notice activity, please send an email or photographs to Mrs Moore at hmoore@chur-ascen.dudley.sch.uk and they might appear on the website and/or on our wellbeing noticeboard.
Friday 28th February, 2025

School Eucharist

Father Adam will be leading our School Eucharist at 9:00am on Monday 3rd March. Members of our school community who wish to take communion are very welcome to join us.

Tuesday 25th February, 2025

World Book Day 2025



To mark World Book Day on Thursday, March 6th this year, we aim to celebrate reading, which is always at the forefront of our curriculum, with an exciting range of events designed to inspire our students to read for pleasure. Our goal is to spark a genuine love for reading by encouraging every child to discover new titles and explore different genres.

Throughout the day, each class will engage in various reading-related activities, offering plenty of opportunities for students to enjoy stories in fresh and fun ways.

As always, there is no expectation to spend money! We will be hosting a Book Swap Station where children can bring in one book they no longer need and exchange it for one they have never read before. To take part, all we ask is that the book your child brings is in good condition and free from any markings or writing. This is a fantastic chance for students to refresh their bookshelf and enjoy a new adventure in reading!

For more details, be sure to check out our website and Facebook posts for updates on our World Book Day events. Thank you for your continued support as we celebrate the magic of reading together.


Tuesday 25th February, 2025

Year 1/2B Forest School

Year 1/2B have started Forest School today, until Friday 21st March. This will run every Friday for the next 3 weeks and children need to come into school wearing appropriate clothing. Please see the letter sent out from the office for more information.

A peak at today’s session…


Tuesday 25th February, 2025

Collective Worship week beginning 24.2.25

This week, we were delighted to have our assembly led by Father Chris Smith.  As it is the first assembly of the half term, it was a Core Value focus. This half term, we will be focusing on our Core Value of Forgiveness.  Father Chris told us the story of Jacob and Esau, and how Esau found it in his heart to forgive his brother Jacob.