2B Forest School

This week at Forest School year 1/2B got hands-on with woodwork!

Using a bow saw and drill, the children cut their own pieces of wood to create some incredible projects.

From fairy chairs and log dogs to wooden spinners and necklaces, their creativity knew no bounds!

It was amazing to see their imaginations come to life while developing new skills and growing in confidence.

Forest School is all about exploring, learning, and having fun outdoors – and they did just that!

The Great Fire of London


‘The Great Fire of London!’ – Our new topic for this half term

The children in Year 1 and 2 have started to explore timber houses and structures that were in London in 1666. As the weeks go on, the children will learn more about the catastrophic event that erupted on the 2nd of September 1666, in a small bakery on Pudding Lane, situated near London Bridge. They will explore the suitability of materials and their resistance to fire and make a product that has a door hinge incorporated within it. They will evaluate the suitability of these and we hope to invite the fire service in to demonstrate and discuss the risk of, and the speed that fire can spread across buildings!

Year 1/2B Forest School

Year 1/2B have started Forest School today, until Friday 21st March. This will run every Friday for the next 3 weeks and children need to come into school wearing appropriate clothing. Please see the letter sent out from the office for more information.

A peak at today’s session…


3N Forest School

What better way to celebrate love on Valentine’s Day than caring for nature and each other!

Today, the children showed love to our feathered friends by making heart-shaped bird feeders, they crafted beautiful willow wands, and created special wood cookie hearts for their loved ones.

The forest was alive with sawing, hammering, and building – some incredible dens took shape, and the mud pit saw some serious digging action!

The day ended with warming up by the fire, enjoying hot chocolate, waffles, and fruit.

Good Health Week 2025

Key Stage One

Year 1 and 2 have taken part in a range of activities for our Good Health Week. We have been lucky enough to have some visitors who have spoken to us about how to keep ourselves safe and the jobs that they do, to keep others safe. We have also discussed how to stay fit and healthy and taken part in some DT, where we made our own healthy sandwiches, and enjoyed eating them too!

We have had talks from:

Nurses, a Midwife, an Occupational Therapist, RNLI and a Mental Health Practitioner.

See the photos of all our fun below!

NSPCC Number Day 2025


We joined thousands of other schools and nurseries to take part in a fun-filled session of maths!

Number Day is an inclusive maths-inspired fundraising day for children in nursery right through to secondary school, with activities suitable for all ages and abilities. Number Day was particularly special this year as it was 25 years of Number Day!

Our Number Day in action across the school…





Thank you

Happy Half Term! Thank you for your support this half term and we hope you enjoy exploring our new website. We will see you all on Monday 24th February at 8.50am to start the second half of this term.


KS1 Team

Year 1 and 2 Trip to Cadbury World


In November the children visited Cadbury World to discover all about the history of Bourneville. Cadbury World offered an immersive experience into the delightful world of chocolate, showcasing the rich history and craftsmanship behind Cadbury’s iconic products. The children explored interactive exhibits, enjoyed a tour, and indulged in chocolate-making demonstrations, all while learning about the brand’s heritage and commitment to quality. Cadbury World features a variety of themed areas, including a 4D cinema experience and a Victorian workshop, which ensured a fun and educational outing for the children and chocolate enthusiasts alike.

The children particularly enjoyed creating their names in chocolate, dressing up as Victorians and interactively collecting milk, cocoa beans and sugar to create large bars of chocolate!

Sparks and Flames

Art and Design

Week commencing 13th January 2025

We have been exploring hot and cold colours in our topic this half term. We talked about using hot colours to create pieces of artwork, using different media. We also considered the perspective, focusing on the foreground and background in 3D pictures.

The children have brought these home to showcase with your all!

Money Money Money

Week commencing 20th January 2025

During PSHE we have learned about the different forms money comes in. We played a game where the different ways to pay were displayed around the classroom. We had to choose which one to go to when deciding the best way to pay for different items. This links to the Maths learning that Year 2 have been doing all about counting money.

When you are out with your children it would be beneficial to discuss methods of payment and why this was chosen. We look forward to hearing all about the spending!

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