Eucharist Assembly 3.3.25

We are very grateful to Father Adam for leading our termly Eucharist assembly, this week. Father Adam told the story of the Prodigal Son to support us in our understanding of the Christian Core Value of Forgiveness.  We were delighted to welcome members of the church and local community to take Communion with us.


Head teacher’s message

Dear family,

Welcome all to our new website! Our new website launched just before the holidays and we are very pleased with how it is coming along. We hope that it will become a useful point of reference for parents and visitors. We are still in the process of adding all of the useful information, so please bear with us while we continue to work on it. Please do feel free to explore and check back regularly to see the updates. Newsletters will now be produced on the website and a link will be sent by text each Friday for you to access them.

It has been a positive start to the new half term.  We have had a very productive and busy week, as you will be able to see from our class pages.  This morning in praise assembly, we celebrated a lot of writing from across the school.  There were also a lot of medals, certificates and badges to celebrate from out of school activities.


Mrs Mason

Collective Worship week beginning 24.2.25

This week, we were delighted to have our assembly led by Father Chris Smith.  As it is the first assembly of the half term, it was a Core Value focus. This half term, we will be focusing on our Core Value of Forgiveness.  Father Chris told us the story of Jacob and Esau, and how Esau found it in his heart to forgive his brother Jacob.

Good Health Week 2025


Monday 10th February Friday 14th February

Geraldine, representing the Blue Cross, visited our class to talk to us about the work that her organisation does. Part of the session was focused on how we should be cautious and careful around animals.

In line with a focus on mental health, Year 3 explored how we can be happy. We looked at the five ways to wellbeing and identified how we personally can make ourselves happy and be more positive.

We were visited by two nurses who talked to us about the importance of handwashing. We learnt how to wash our hands properly and the importance of using soap to prevent germs spreading.

Mike, representing the Air Ambulance, talked to us about his role as a critical care paramedic. We learnt about the work that the Air Ambulance do and that they are a charity who rely on donations       

Amy from Reflexions came to talk to us about anxiety. She explained what anxiety is, what it might look like and strategies to cope. 

We were visited by representatives of the Stroke Association. They discussed what a stroke is and what to do in case of an emergency

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