Class 3N Number Day

As part of Number Day, 3N really enjoyed making our own number games. We made cards which helped us practice our multiplication and division facts we had learnt so far this year. We really enjoyed playing them together! 

Litter Picking

After our assembly about God’s wonderful world, some children were inspired to consider ways of how we can look after it.  So, thank you to all our litter pickers, who have given up some of their lunchtime to make a school grounds a tidier place.


Year 5 & 6 Science

Thank you to Ava in 6M for bringing our work on the circulatory system to its conclusion this week, by bringing in her model of the human body.

Walk Through The Bible

To celebrate the end of Walk through the Bible Old Testament, our Year 5s proudly presented 40 words and actions, which they had memorised to the rest of the school.  Wow!  Many thanks to David for leading these sessions and to Sian and Father Chris from Church of the Ascension for providing us with their support and for funding these wonderful books.

Spring Reflection Area

Well done Worship Leaders for our new Reflection Area based on teaspoon prayers.



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