Should Church of the Ascension Primary School have to close or partially close, the following plan outlines steps that will be taken to continue to provide learning for the children.
Teachers will set work appropriate to the age of the child, in line with our current curriculum expectations. A termly curriculum newsletter was provided at the start of each term, which gives guidance on the planned learning for the term. Parents can access learning resources and activities to support the objectives outlined in the newsletters on Oak Academy Corbett Maths BBC Bitesize Teachers will also set specific learning for core subjects that are suitable for the ability of the children.
At Church of the Ascension, we use Bug Club to support our teaching of phonics. All pupils in early years and Key Stage 1 have been provided with log in details for the platform and appropriate activities and books are set weekly, by class teachers. Our Key Stage 2 pupils can access reading materials and associated activities on Accelerated Reader.
To improve and secure mental maths skills and rapid recall, children are encouraged to practise on the online platform TT Rock Stars.
Other platforms