

This page is designed to be the centre of our website, the place for news, information and a celebration of all the good things happening at school every week.  Please keep checking in for the latest!

Remote learning offer


Should My Child Be In School     Coronavirus Visitor Protocol    Covid-19 pupil absence guide v1

April 2021

Distance Learning Policy Apr 2021


Accelerated Reader Home Page

Use this website to check if your book is in the Accelerated Reader database:

Accelerated Reader book finder

Phonics Play

Active Learn Reading

The Oak National Academy

BBC Bitesize homepage


Pupils should find spelling games and activities to complete in a similar way that Mathletics covers mathematics.  Pupils should be able to gain access using their usual Mathletics log in details.  Alternatively, once pupils have logged onto Mathletics, a button in the top left corner of the screen allows you to toggle between the ‘M’ of Mathletics and the ‘R’ of Readiwriter.

***Oxford Owl***

The Oxford Owl reading platform is free for parents to register with and then offers plenty of free ebooks for children.

Oxford Owl parents sign up page

We have tried to link some of the ebooks to our Accelerated Reader Programme so that children can still complete quizzes about the books they are reading.

Oxford Owl ebooks and Accelerated Reader

RM Unify

RM Unify is our learning platform.  We are beginning to offer some tasks to some students as part of our provision.  Clicking the link takes you to a log in page.  We have used a generic log in recently, which still works, but children should be able to log in to their own space.  Teachers will email out separately to explain this process, once there are tasks to complete.

RM Unify

Any problems, please email us:



Here are the housepoint totals:

crystal background      lion background       sunbeam background       titanic background

This Week

Termly Totals

Who will be top of the heap this half term?

Every point counts!



Here you will find special mentions given to some of our students…please stop be to have a look through the term!


Classes 6W and 5M have been looking at our local area as part of our Geography topic.  They would like to collect some data from parents regarding the proposed building of new houses in our area. 

Please complete the surveys below if you would like to help the classes find out more about what people think.

Class 5M

Class 5M survey

Class 6W

Class 6W survey

Thank you for your help!

We are trying to find out what our children are thinking.  Here is a survey for them to complete in school time:

Subject survey